Achieve Amazing Facial Changes by Improving your "Resting Tongue Position"
This program is for people who are looking to achieve expansion of their jaw, forward growth, or fix their facial asymmetry 100% naturally.
We're accepting 100 applicants who want to experience the joy of making daily improvements, and discovering the "true" potential of your body. Be one of our transformation stories in 2024!
The verdict is in - you can achieve expansion to your jaw, 100% naturally.
Do you believe it's possible to expand your jaw, improve your facial structure, and airway, at any age?
Well if you don't, you might want to think again
People are beginning to wake up to the truth about our jaws and our bodies.
They change. And they change at any age.
Instead of un-natural, expensive, and risky procedures - why not take the natural approach?
Exercises that improve your tongue position, posture, and facial structure each and every day!
"We learn in dental school that the sutures fuse. However, I have good news for you. In the human body, nothing is fused. We are made of moving particles.
The suture is not fused. Until even we die... after we die. It's a moving structure. So, you can gently, within the physiological force, gently create a restructuring, opening, widening..."
- Dr. MONA MOY, Best Face forward youtube channel and holistic dentist
The Best Palatal Expander Ever Created
Imagine there was an expander that worked perfectly with 0 side effects.
And imagine it was 100% free?
Could this be possible.
It is. And it's sitting in your mouth right now.
Yes, we're talking about your tongue.
But just because you have this expander doesn't mean you are using it properly.
"But Ryan, I do Mewing... Isn't that enough?"
Let me explain something that I think will serve you well…
Your tongue is where it is right now!
You don't have any say over this! Yes you can do Mewing, yes you can think about it, yes you can develop that habit.
But when you go to sleep, guess where it's going to go?
We've been around as humans for millions of years. And there's a place our tongue naturally, physiologically is supposed to go. It's up on our palate. We've never in the history of humanity had to think about this.
Right now, your tongue has a certain resting position, and there are numerous factors that affect this.
Your posture. Your breathing. The shape of your palate. The balance of your feet, legs, and hips.
It's not all about Mewing.
My humble opinion:
If you want to learn how to use this expander properly, stop thinking in terms of Mewing, and start thinking in terms of resting tongue position. Where your tongue goes when you're not trying.
Notice I said "resting" tongue position. Not FORCED tongue position. Not thinking about it all day long tongue position.
Not Mewing. Not trying all day.
I'm talking about where your tongue goes when you aren't Mewing. When you sleep, for example.
How to improve resting tongue position?
Over the past The best way I've found is through specific exercises:
1. You improve your posture every day.
2. You do deliberate exercises for your tongue to teach it the correct position
3. You use osteopathic techniques to massage and expand the palate
These exercises make it so that day by day you feel your tongue up on your palate "differently". Every time you swallow, you'll notice your tongue is making more contact with your palate.
This is not a surface-level change. This is changing the root cause of what created your facial structure.
I'm helping 100 people achieve amazing results this year!
Will you be one of them?
We know it's possible for adults to achieve changes to their jaw.
And we also know that it is possible to do this naturally, using the right exercises.
We're seeing good changes in adults using the osteopathic (face-pulling) techniques, combined with myofunctional therapy and postural alignment routines to improve the tongue position.
It's as if these two things have a synergistic effect.
1) You expand your jaw a little bit every day
2) You improve your resting tongue position and function, so it supports and further improves this expansion
Over the days, weeks, and months of improving your posture, tongue function, and maxilla - you can see significant changes that last.
There are 2 types of people we can help with this program:
1) You have an under-developed maxilla
...and are looking to achieve natural expansion of your maxilla and mandible over the next 3-6 months
2) You have facial asymmetry
And are looking to expand and bring out the weaker side of your jaw
The 1-year BFF Program is an opportunity to work with me directly, in a focused and supervised way to achieve these results
Here's How the Program Works:
We start with your assessment
You'll be shown how to do the most effective exercises for you.
Everyone is different, so this is not a "one size fits all program. You will be recommended the most important exercises for you based on your assessment.
The goal is that every single time you finish routines, you notice your tongue pressing more fully and evenly on your palate (without Mewing).
Daily follow along routines (5-15 minutes/day)
"Follow Along Style" Routines
The videos in the program are "follow-along" style. Meaning, every day you just press play, and do the exercises with Ryan providing guidance and tips!
90-Day structured exercise program
If we introduced all the exercises at once, it would be overwhelming. That's why the exercises build on each other, every day. Just start with day 1, do the exercises, and then move to day 2, day 3, etc. All the way to 90 days!
Of those 100 people selected, we will be looking to do case studies with select members who have the most significant changes (this is optional).
The 3 Types of Asymmetry Balancing Exercises
We make this easy to achieve with our daily 5 minute routines. The goal is that every single day, after you finish the follow along routines, you notice your tongue pressing more evenly on your palate!
These daily stretches can work wonders. You will feel your tongue pressing more evenly on your palate, after just 5 minutes of stretching. Do this every day, and the results compound!
Time: 1-3 minutes/day
Exercises to expand the maxilla, gradually using your hands. These exercises feel amazing!
Time: 1-3 minutes/day
A set of simple exercises that "train" the worse side of your tongue uni-laterally. This means, only training the weaker side of your tongue.
Time: 1-7 minutes/day
You'll have support and accountability in the community
To keep you on track, make sure you're doing exercises correctly, and answer any questions that you have - you'll have access to Ryan and the community!
Access your exercise program in our all-in-one community & course platform
Daily accountability and feedback in the community
Chat with Ryan and ask questions!
Every 90 Days We'll Measure Your Progress
To track improvements in your posture, tongue position, airway and more - we'll do a re-assessment every 90-days
You'll get a Full Year of Coaching with Ryan to see how much you can improve
By the end of it - you'll have made progressive changes. And, you'll have learned about your body, and how to make natural improvements over time.
Of those 100 people selected, we will be looking to do case studies with select members who have the most significant changes (this is optional).
Prices will increase with each cohort who joins - be apart of the first group and get in at the lowest price the program will ever be!
Initial Results from the Program
Susana Saldivar
“ I found your videos on YouTube and decided to give your program a try; I am glad I did!
I was doing face yoga; I tried two different programs I wanted to get more facial definition, get rid of double chin and have a more defined jaw line. I decided to stop and focus on yours. And then 2 weeks after, I was like, oh my god, Is this for real?! I started seeing the jawline definition, and the double chin was getting less noticeable!!
With your program, I am seeing results faster, and the exercises are easy to do, I'm excited to see the end result. It's 12 weeks, I'm on the 7th week, I CAN'T wait to get to the 12th and see the big change!"
Age: 19
From USA
Reason for joining: Forward growth, under-developed maxilla and recessed mandible
Outcome: Expansion of maxilla, achievement of forward growth, improved posture, and symmetry of tongue, and full body posture
Age: 28
From USA
Reason for joining: Expansion of maxilla and posture improvement
Outcome: Expansion of maxilla, achievement of forward growth, improved posture, and symmetry of tongue, and full body posture
Age: 74
From USA
Reason for joining: Expansion of maxilla and posture improvement, slight TMJ pain
Outcome: Reduced TMJ pain significantly, expansion of jaw, improved posture and resting tongue position
And HUNDREDS of program members have noticed improvements in their tongue position, breathing, and airway...
I absolutely love the program! I used to have a big snoring problem and would wake up with my mouth really dry. As I went further into the program I didn't wake up and my tongue was glued to the roof of my mouth. My body and neck posture has also improved a lot. Thank you Ryan and also to Joe and Dr. Estrabillo :)
Tyler, Age 17 - USA
It's easier to maintain the position of my tongue against my upper palate than it was before. After doing the lip exercises they looked/felt more full. My posture is so much better and even my family has commented how well I've been standing and sitting!
Rachel, Age 20 - USA
I've seen improvement in lip seal as well as tongue posture! I can feel my tongue has become really strong and now naturally sits on the top of the palate. I mentioned thart I couldn't breath for 2 mins keeping my mouth closed. Now, I see it has drastically improved!
Manish, Age 23 - India
How was the Program Created?
Over the past 10 years, Ryan has been on a mission to find the best exercises to naturally improve his jaw, and help thousands of others on the BFF Youtube channel and audience.
He's worked with some amazing professionals on this journey, and experimented with exercises from Physiotherapy, myofunctional therapy, dentists, and much more.
This program is a culmination of the most effective exercises to naturally balance the underlying forces behind asymmetry.
Note: This is not a medical program, it is an at home exercise program. You'll also receive guidance and support along the way.
Join The 1-Year Program Today!
Embark on Your Journey to Your Full Potential
OR just 3 payments of $179!
More Feedback about the Exercises in this Program
To Join You need the Following:
Where would you be in 1-year, if you improved every day?
What if every day you could become a better and better version of yourself?
With better tongue posture, body posture, breathing, and maxilla and mandible development? What if you could achieve this using the power of nature?
With this program you can. These exercises are designed to improve your posture, tongue position, and maxilla growth, day by day.
Ready to make daily improvements and feel great? Let's go!
Frequently asked questions
Online people ask: until what age can you expand your Maxilla bone?
And my answer is very simple:
You always can.
Your bone is constantly changing at any age. And your tongue position/function affects your bone.
Now...There is some truth to the age dilemma.
The younger you are the faster your bone changes. It changes fastest while still growing. Especially before early 20s. Under 18 is changing very rapidly, and children's bone changes the fastest.
The point is you're always changing.
You finish "growing", but you never finish changing. Bone remodelling is a constant process.
How do I know this? Do I have proof? Are there studies?
Well, not exactly. I'm giving you my opinion.
But I have seen clients who well in their 70's feel their bones changing. I've also asked this question to at least a dozen highly qualified dentists/professionals (whos opinions I trust), and the answer is always the same:
Your bone can change at any age. And it does change. Always.
It might take a little longer (depending on your age). But if your Mewing improves, your jaw will also.
That's enough proof for me.
Plus, now at 27 I'm seeing better changes than I ever have. This isn't about age, it's about doing exercises to improve your resting tongue position.
The force of my tongue on my palate is changing.
More on the asymmetrical side. More on the front that requires forward growth.
And just like magic, the maxilla expands in turn.
Anyways, if you think you're too old to change - don't.
Your maxilla can expand at any age. And don't let anybody say otherwise.
You will have access to all program materials, 200+ exercise videos, and community for 15 months.
The exercises take as little as 10 minutes per day. You can do them for longer if you wish, but the combination of posture improvement, tongue training, and osteopathic techniques will take you under 10 minutes to do!
Note: you do not have to do these exercises forever. In myofunctional therapy, people reach what's known as the "habituation phase" after 12-16 weeks. Meaning, your tongue is now "habitually" in the correct positon.
Remember, your tongue is both your natural retainer, and expander. If you change the resting position of your tongue and posture, it will maintain itself over time.
Just like your "retaining" your maxilla in the current imbalanced position, it will also maintain it's balance once corrected.
If you have braces or aligners, your maxilla will not be able to expand any further than the appliances allow them to. The same goes for retainers. With that being said - the program can still provide a lot of benefits. You can still improve your resting tongue position, and posture, as well as the muscles of your face, lips, and cheeks. This improved resting tongue position can be greatly beneficial, and help you to continue to improve after you have your braces removed.
This is a guided-coaching program, so it is NOT just a course. We will be tracking your results, and providing you guidance to ensure you improve.
This program has the most recent and up to date exercises Ryan's learned from working with professionals in his network, clients, and experimenting himself.
Some of the exercises such as the posture improvement routines, will be similar to previous programs. And many exercises, such as the osteopathic techniques, and uni-lateral tongue training, will be new.
If you're a member of a previous program and have any questions - you can message Ryan at
You can go at your own pace! Once you join, you'll be added to the online course platform, where you'll access all the videos. You will be part of a community, and have support and coaching from Ryan - but you can go through the program at your own pace.
Our goal is that you see results from the day you start the routines. These results include: improvements in your posture, symmetry, and resting tongue position. This can happen FAST! Generally, people experience benefits within the first week.
In terms of actual change to the bone - it depends on many factors. The younger you are, generally the faster these changes can happen. But they happen at every age. It may take time, but it is my belief (and that of many professionals I've worked with) that the maxilla is constantly changing and remodelling. Just like any bone in the body.
So, if you experience changes in your tongue position at rest - it's only a matter of time before those changes are reflected in your jaw.
There are no discounts available for the program. However, there is a payment plan option which can make it more affordable. If interested, contact:
This is not the same as "Mewing". Mewing is about consciously exerting effort to get your tongue up. These are 5 minute exercise routines to improve the natural "resting position" of your tongue, in other words, where it goes when you aren't thinking about it (which is most of the day anyways, nobody can think about their tongue 24-7).
This program does not come with a money-back guarantee. All purchases are final.
In my experience, people who are looking for a refund have a backdoor in their mind. They might try the program, but they're not committed.
I am looking for the people who are ready to commit to this and do what it takes to get results. Those are the people who make amazing changes. The ones who commit to the process, do the exercises every day, and use the program for support and feedback and to track their progress.
With that being said - I will be working closely with you to make sure that you are seeing improvements. And if you're not - I will do what it takes to help you get the best results possible!
Still Have Questions?
Reach out to Ryan below:
- Discuss your specific case
- Review photos and ask questions
- What kind of results you can expect from this program
You can send an e-mail to with subject line "program", and your question!