If you have an under-developed jaw and want to improve WITHOUT dental appliances, surgeries, or Mewing 8 hours a day - this is for you...
Acheive 3-D Facial Growth 100% Naturally, WITHOUT Mewing, in just 90 Days
Be part of a of guided Facial Growth Focus Group this fall.
Experience the excitement of making daily improvements to your confidence, physical structure, and health.
Be part of the first cohort to receive 20% off early discount, and additional bonuses.
The verdict is in - you can achieve expansion to your jaw, 100% naturally.
Do you believe it's possible to expand your jaw, improve your facial structure, and airway, at any age?
Well if you don't, you might want to think again
People are beginning to wake up to the truth about our jaws and our bodies.
They change. And they change at any age.
Instead of un-natural, expensive, and risky procedures - why not take the natural approach?
Exercises that improve your tongue position, posture, and facial structure each and every day!
"We learn in dental school that the sutures fuse. However, I have good news for you. In the human body, nothing is fused. We are made of moving particles.
The suture is not fused. Until even we die... after we die. It's a moving structure. So, you can gently, within the physiological force, gently create a restructuring, opening, widening..."
- Dr. MONA MOY, Best Face forward youtube channel and holistic dentist
I'm helping 100 people achieve amazing changes this year!
Will you be one of them?
We know it's possible for adults to achieve changes to their jaw.
And we also know that it is possible to do this naturally, using the right exercises.
We're seeing good changes in adults using the osteopathic (face-pulling) techniques, combined with myofunctional therapy and postural alignment routines to improve the tongue position.
It's as if these two things have a synergistic effect.
1) You expand your jaw a little bit every day
2) You improve your resting tongue position and function, so it supports and further improves this expansion
Over the days, weeks, and months of improving your posture, tongue function, and maxilla - you can see significant changes that last.
There are 2 types of people we can help with this program:
1) You have an under-developed maxilla
...and are looking to achieve natural expansion of your maxilla and mandible over the next 3-6 months
2) You have facial asymmetry
And are looking to expand and bring out the weaker side of your jaw
The 1-year BFF Program is an opportunity to work with me directly, in a focused and supervised way to achieve these results
Here's how it will work:
Of those 100 people selected, we will be looking to do case studies with select members who have the most significant changes (this is optional).
Here's what happens when you apply:
Step 1: Program questionnaire
(takes 2-3 minutes)
See if you meet the requirements to be one of the people selected out of 100 for the 1-year coaching program.
If you are elligible - you will proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Start Online chat with Ryan
Start by telling your story.
Ask Ryan about your specific case, asymmetries, jaw development, or any other problems you need help with.
He'll also answer any questions you have about the program
Step 3: Receive Your Invitation
If you fit the requirements, and are inspired to improve, you will receive an invitation to be one of the 100 people to join the BFF-1 year coaching program with Ryan.
Where would you be in 1-year, if you improved every day?
What if every day you could become a better and better version of yourself?
With better tongue posture, body posture, breathing, and maxilla and mandible development? What if you could achieve this using the power of nature?
With this program you can. These exercises are designed to improve your posture, tongue position, and maxilla growth, day by day.
Ready to make daily improvements and feel great? Let's go!