Do you suffer from an underdeveloped face?

Unlock Your Genetic Potential: Expand Your Maxilla and Get the Face You've Always Wanted!

You're invited to participate in a program to help you achieve amazing facial changes using everything I’ve learned from various exercises and professionals I’ve worked with over the years!

I Used to Hate Looking in The Mirror

Hey there - it's Ryan from Best Face Forward.

Look - I get how feels to have an under-developed face. I remember countless hours in the mirror, taking selfies and analyzing my jaw.

Wondering... what's wrong me?

Comparing myself to others, saying: why do they have a great jawline and not me?

What went wrong along the way?

The real pain is in realizing that you don't have the face you were meant to have.

The attractive face and jawline you SHOULD have, you got robbed of - because of bad habits growing up. 

But, I have good news.

Because, if you can change for the worse, YOU CAN change for the better.

And after 10 years and over $30,000 on appliances, I've come to a very, very exciting conclusion.

It's possible to achieve expansion of the jaw well into our adult years!

And it gets even better.

Because you can do this 100% naturally, without expensive appliances or risky surgeries.

Let me tell you how...

The Secret to Facial Growth

The "Bone of Facial Beauty"

If we look at the most typically "beautiful people" in our world, they generally have one thing in common.

A well-developed jaw.

And what's the most important part of that development?

It's one bone.

One bone that when fully developed leads to facial harmony, attractiveness, health, and a well-functioning body.

One bone, that is the secret to unlocking your genetic potential...

And that bone is...

The maxilla.

An underdeveloped maxilla leads to many problems. Not only does it make you unattractive, it also impacts your health, posture, and much more.

The question is, can you fix an under-developed maxilla in your adult years.

And my answer is... absolutely.

Yet still, a lot of people online are frustrated - and rightfully so. They try many things, and are left with more questions than answers.

Such as...

Why isn't Mewing Working?

Many people try Mewing hours a day and see no results. They eventually become discouraged, and quit.

This is frustrating.

And while it is 100% possible to get results... the current options don't seem too promising. 

Let's take a look at what those are...

Option #1 - Online Research and Forums

You can spend hours and days on forums (which can be toxic, and a very ineffective way to learn).

You can spend hours a day Mewing, trying different techniques, and NOT KNOWING if it's working.

You can waste years doing this, achieve no progress - and be stressed out the entire time.

Option #2 - Go to a dentist for a treatment/appliance

Very few dentists in my experience can achieve real facial growth. AND, I've seen many situations where they make people's jaws worse.

Every dentist has a different method of treatment. Even if two dentists use the same appliance, it doesn't mean they use it the same way!

Some recommend invisilign or braces (which only focus on the teeth).  Many dentists expand only laterally and not forward.

Option #3 - Do Nothing

This option is possibly better than the ovther 2 (in some cases!). Of course, it's not ideal! We all know, the younger you are the better. The older you get, the harder it is to change. However, that doesn't mean it's too late!

Doing nothing means you may stay the same, or possibly get worse. In my opinion, it's best to take steps as soon as possible. The sooner you start improving, the more of your life you have to experience the benefits!

Why Does Mewing Work for Some People... But Not Others?

You see amazing Mewing transformations online and think what's the deal?

Why do they get these amazing results, and not me?

The reality is, for most people... Mewing is not enough.

There's something stopping them from getting the tongue up. So "just Mew harder" (or longer) is not the answer!

Here are common things stopping people from Mewing properly (that I see most often):

1. Tongue Ties (Mobility Problems)

Tongue mobility issues are very common. If your tongue is restricted to the floor of your mouth, good luck pushing it on your palate!

2. High and Narrow Palate

If your palate is narrow and high vaulted, it'll be almost impossible to do Mewing. You'll likely need more help.

3. Asymmetrical Tongue and Palate

Asymmetry is another extremely common limitation. If you can't push your WHOLE tongue up, it's hard to get results. 

4. Lack of Strength and Tone

Many people simply lack the strength and tone of their tongue. They try to just "push it up" when in reality, it needs to be trained properly.

Palatal Expander + 3 years of Mewing... No Results? (My Story)

Look - I can say these things above, because I've been through all of this myself.

I tried Mewing for 3-4 years, and it just didn't work. It didn't do anything for me.

As much as I tried to push my tongue up, I couldn't get it to fit, my arch was too high.

So, go to a dentist, right? 

Well, I did.

I had a palatal expander when I was 16... it expanded my palate. But only in one dimension, laterally. 

Later I learned that actually may have made my problem WORSE, and not better.

Expander made my jaw... worse?!

The Secret I learned from a Top Facial Growth Dentist in Europe

The truth is - I almost gave up and just hope altogether.

Until - October of 2022.

I met an amazing dentist in Portugal, who specializes in facial growth!

What she told me, ended up being the secret to me finally being able to achieve the jaw and face I always wanted. 

This is what she told me:

The maxilla is a 3-dimensional bone. When it becomes smaller, it does so in 3D.

Therefore, if we want to achieve expansion, we can't focus only on making it wider.

We MUST focus on the other 2 dimensions.

She explained why my face was "flat" and my mandible was steep.

My maxilla was wide plenty wide, but it was lacking the forward growth. 

So, what I needed to do was simple enough (in theory):

Expand the maxilla in the other 2 dimensions.

Bring it forwards, and tilt it upwards (so it's less high-vaulted).

But WAIT - how do we actually expand the maxilla?

I had an option that day... which I could have looked to do another LONG, and COSTLY treatment to expand the jaw.

But, I decided against it.


Because I thought about you. And all the people in my audience following me.

I know 99% of people don't have access to this type of dentist (because of location, and cost).

So, I started experimenting.

I knew it was possible to achieve this expansion another way. 

So, I started looking for others methods to expand and grow the bone.

I researched something I was always afraid to before. It seemed dangerous, and a drastic measure.

But I was desperate. So, I started trying it.

Osteopathic techniques. Or, what many online know, as "face pulling".

I did some courses and research, and started to experiment.

And to my amazement?

It worked. 

I noticed my maxilla coming forward. My bite felt different, and so did my tongue. I was improving beyond what I had before!

Now, I was really excited. And I couldn't wait to help others try using these techniques as well (along with everything else I'd learned over the years).

For the past couple months I have been working with some amazing people, to see if it works with others as well...

And BOY, do I have exciting news!

One of the most exciting conclusions I've come to on this journey so far, which I can't wait to share with you.

It's possible to achieve expansion of the jaw, even well into our adult years!

Our faces are constantly changing based on the forces enacted on them.

Our bones, muscles, and soft tissue, can be stretched, expanded, and strengthened.

And it gets even better.

Because you can do this WITHOUT an expensive appliance.

AND... Without Mewing for hours a day.

AND... Without the stress, and without the agony. 

All you need, is to focus on the right exercises, and do them every single day... 

I want to help you, and everyone else who is struggling. And now, I I'm going to show you how.

Cheek bones, you think they're genetic? Think again. They change, and you can change them all by yourself.


Introducing... The BFF 3-Month Coaching Program

I am looking to help a select group of people  transform their faces, confidence, and lives in amazing ways. Will you be one of them?

What is the BFF Method?

The BFF Method is a series of exercise routines I've been developing over the past 10 years aimed to help people achieve amazing changes!

These exercises are designed to create natural, daily improvements, and lead you to the most attractive, best, and healthiest version of you yet.

Programs last for 3-4 months, during which I help guide you, monitor your results and recommend the most effective exercises for you to improve!

Here are some results you can expect from the program

Forward Growth of the Maxilla

Development of the maxilla leads to a more attractive jawline, cheekbones, lips, eyes, and much more!

Changes in Cheekbones & Eyes

As the maxilla expands outwards and tilts upwards, it can lead to positive changes in the cheekbones, eyes, lips, and much more!

Tighter Neck & Chin Area

Improvement in resting tongue posture and function can create more "tightness" around the neck and chin area, and a more pleasing, attractive jawline.

Improvement of Mandibular Angle

If the maxilla can expand 3-dimensionally, it allows the mandible to come forwards as well. Remember, the mandible wants to advance!

Expansion of the Upper Arch

3-D expansion of your maxilla will create more room for your tongue, and make your results much more effortless.

Improved Nasal BREATHING & Sleep

Improving your tongue position and facial growth leads to better breathing, more oxygenation, and a more restful, healthy sleep!

Improve Asymmetry in Face & Body 

Most program members start with asymmetry in their tongue, face, and postural alignment. This program can create improvements in symmetry!

Improved Postural Alignment

We place a focus on improving posture, and your facial growth normally leads to natural improvements in your bodies alignment & function.

What are the Exercises in this Program?

The exercises are designed to achieve 3D development of your maxilla, and advancement of your mandible. Here's how:

Step 1: Maximize RESTING Tongue Position 

Your tongue is an essential element in this process.

If you can get more and more of your tongue suctioned on your palate over time... guess what?

That force can lead to expansion of the maxilla.

But - how do we achieve this passive tongue suction?

IMPORTANT: This is NOT Mewing

This is NOT about trying to FORCE your tongue on your palate 24 hours a day.

For most people, this simply does not work (and it's exhausting)!

However, there is a way to get even BETTER results, and achieve the best tongue position you ever have...

WITHOUT Mewing all day...

AND without a dental appliance...

So... What do you do instead?

The answer is: Tongue EXERCISES.

Over the past 10 years, I've experimented with using Myofunctional training for myself, and with hundreds of others.

I've also been learning from some amazing myofunctional specialists from around the world. 

I've found what I believe to be the best techniques to create a natural "tongue suction" to your palate, 24 hours a day!

Fact Check: 

Did you know, that there are studies PROVING that myofunctional therapy ALONE can produce expansion in the palate by 3-4 mm?

(Let alone, combined with the other exercises in the program)

These practices have been around for over 100 years - it's not anything new, and they're extremely effective if done right!

Myofunctional Training Goals:

This "full suction" on the upper palate is achieved through daily exercises. 

NOT through Mewing alone.

AND, even if your palate is small, you can still accomplish this.

Program member example (she's had 8 extractions, and still able to achieve proper tongue positioning)

Step 2: Osteopathic Techniques to Expand the Upper Palate

Next - we focus on helping improve your results even faster, with osteopathic face pulling techniques.

These aim to help the bone to move gradually, day by day. These techniques only take 5 minutes to do - and can make a huge difference.

First, we ensure the tongue is supporting the upper palate. THEN, we use force from our thumbs in various ways to expand the palate and loosen the bone.

We've been seeing some exciting results from incorporating these exercises into our programs!

Most people have crowding in the anterior (front) region of their palate


Depending on the shape of your palate you will do these techniques differently.

Most people need to primarily focus on the "pre-maxilla".

We start very gently, with only 5 minutes a day. Some people see results very quickly. If you take a bit longer, we will gradually increase the intensity.

Step 3: 100% RESTING on Your Palate - At All Times 

As your palate expands, you will have even more room for your tongue to fit on your palate. 

At this point, we focus on ensuring your tongue occupies that oral cavity in a passive lingual suction.

This is done by continually focusing on practicing the myofunctional exercises, along with the posture improvement routines and core strengthening.

Here's how I make this easy for you:

The best program in the world is useless - unless you can actually do the exercises. 

Rather than give you a massive exercise routine to do every day, we take a different approach.

Here are some of the methods I use to help ensure you ACTUALLY see results...

Focus on "Lowest Hanging Fruit"

The reality is, right now there are certain exercises that are most important to your results. Focus on those, and you'll take the "easy" path to results!

Daily Follow Along Routines

Every day you will have a "follow along exercise routine", that will walk you through the exact exercises you have to do. 

But wait - is it REALLY possible for adults to expand their jaw?

Absolutely, yes. Based on my own experience, results from clients, and more!

Bone changes at any, and every age

We see numerous examples of this in the real world. Stroke patients will often have one side of their face significantly change.

People in old age with poor habits will see negative changes to their facial structure

Myofunctional Therapy Research Proves it

It has been proven in scientific papers that myofunctional therapy alone can produce increases in palatal width of up to 3-4mm in adults.

This is WITHOUT combining these most effective techniques with posture improvement, and osteopathic massage. Imagine what's possible?

Dentists have Proven It

Some of the best dentists I've worked with achieve repeatable results in adult patients.

Using various appliances and face pulling devices, their jaws can, and do change. 

This program uses force in a different way: by you doing it yourself. It's the same forces, one is your tongue and your thumbs, the other is using appliances.

I've seen changes in past and current clients

Some of our early clients in this program have already seen results, some in less than 2 months.

Clear changes to their palates, improvements in their facial appearance, asymmetry, and facial growth.

We are still in the very early stages, however online there is much proof that change is possible - at any age.

Check out what Previous Members Have Said!

Adrianne Johnston 37 Years Old (2 months result)

“ I can tell the second tooth on the right side is a little more expanded. The thing that jumped out at me is the pictures of my face.

I just look so much more rested, I have less makeup on and there are less bags on my eyes, I look like I just went on vacation!

I can see there's different toning in the middle of my face. Sometimes you can look in the mirror and something will catch your eye. Before my eye was being drawn to the lower third of my face. Now when I look in the mirror, I see more of my mid-face. My cheekbones are coming through more. Everything is more toned. 

Sometimes I turn to the side and I'm like "oh, there it is". A relaxed look behind my eyes, my body's not straining to work so hard anymore like it was.

I definitely notice the angle of my lower jaw shifting a little bit!

“ I found your videos on YouTube and decided to give your program a try; I am glad I did! 

I was doing face yoga; I tried two different programs I wanted to get more facial definition, get rid of double chin and have a more defined jaw line. I decided to stop and focus on yours. And then 2 weeks after, I was like, oh my god, Is this for real?! I started seeing the jawline definition, and the double chin was getting less noticeable!!

With your program, I am seeing results faster, and the exercises are easy to do,  I'm excited to see the end result. It's 12 weeks, I'm on the 7th week, I CAN'T wait to get to the 12th and see the big change!"

Susana Saldivar

For Privacy Purposes, He's Chosen to Share His Results Anonymously  (2.5 Months  Result)

Here is a program member who has chosen to remain anonymous - however has allowed me to share his results with those interested in joining the program...

BEFORE: He was struggling mainly with facial asymmetry, and was looking to improve the weaker side of his jaw. He also wanted to generally maximize his genetic potential, and achieve results in the coming years. He understood that it would take time, so he was patient, and did the exercises in the program as prescribed.

AFTER: After a period of only 2.5 months, he had achieved significant forward growth of his maxilla. It is clearly visible through his photos. His mandibular angle has improved, and his jaw has more of the "square" masculine look. His asymmetry has almost entirely corrected, and his posture, and breathing have all improved... Check out what he said:

"My tongue used to be low, and one side was higher than the other. I feel like it’s permanently on my palate now… And it's also even.

2 weeks ago I started going to the gym again I remember it was a bit hard for me to breathe in the gym before, now it's gotten a lot better.

I notice now that my back of my tongue is up on my palate. My posture has definitely improved, and I notice my jaw has come forward too.

I'm definitely happy with the program!"


I absolutely love the program! I used to have a big snoring problem and would wake up with my mouth really dry. As I went further into the program I didn't wake up and my tongue was glued to the roof of my mouth. My body and neck posture has also improved a lot. Thank you Ryan and also to Joe and Dr. Estrabillo :) 

Tyler, Age 17 - USA


It's easier to maintain the position of my tongue against my upper palate than it was before. After doing the lip exercises they looked/felt more full. My posture is so much better and even my family has commented how well I've been standing and sitting!

Rachel, Age 20 - USA


I've seen improvement in lip seal as well as tongue posture! I can feel my tongue has become really strong and now naturally sits on the top of the palate. I mentioned thart I couldn't breath for 2 mins keeping my mouth closed. Now, I see it has drastically improved!

Manish, Age 23 - India

Here's How The Program Works:

If/when you work with me, I'm committed to helping you see amazing facial changes. Here is how program helps you achieve that:

Step 1: Best Face Forward Assessment

It's helpful to have a thorough idea of your "starting point". We must identify the most important areas to improve for the fastest, best results.

We'll start with an in-depth analysis of your "initial progress photos", this includes 12 photos that Ryan will analyze, and discuss with you on a zoom call.

Included in Your Assessment

Analysis of Face & Posture

  • Facial development: Analysis of the position & shape of the maxilla, mandible, and gonial angle (slope of your mandible) 
  • Facial appearance: Assessing the fullness and competency of your cheeks, lips, eyes, and smile
  • Facial Asymmetry: Symmetry of your face, your jaws, and your tongue position
  • Full Body Posture Analysis: Forward head posture, rounded shoulders, kyphosis - even the lower body, and feet!

Analysis and Measurement of the Upper Palate

  • Analyzing Your Palate: Here, we can look at the shape and "collapsed" areas of your palate through photographs
  • Measurements: we will also take measurements of your inter-molar and inter-canine width, to have reliable before and after numbers

Tongue Mobility, Function, and Posture

  • Resting Tongue Posture: we'll use self-assessments to help you determine where your tongue is at rest, so you can become aware of where you're lacking
  • Tongue Mobility: One of the most important assessments we do is for the mobility of your tongue, and as you will learn, this is one of THE most crucial factors to improving your RESTING tongue position, and results
  • Tongue & Jaw Imbalance: Many people USE their one side of their tongue more than the other, and also CHEW more with one side of their jaw

Step 2: Customised Exercise Program for FAST Results

Next, it's time to create your exercise program. 

Ryan will recommend the 5 most important exercises for you to do every single day.

These exercise routines will be available to you as follow-along videos, all you need to do is press play, and improve every day.

Step 3: Weekly Progress Check-ins

Every week we will have a call, to check on your progress. Ideally, you will be seeing small consistent changes, that will add up over time.

On these calls, we will adapt and add exercises to your program, as needed, and answer any questions you may have.

Step 4: Monthly Progress Photo Check-in

Every month, we will take updated photos and measurements! We aim to see measurable progress every month, and these check-ins are a fool-proof way to measure those changes!

Here's why you should work with me:

Over the past 10 years, I've been on a journey to overcome my under-developed jaw, and low self-esteem that came with it.

On that journey, I've achieved great improvements in my jawline, symmetry, breathing,  and posture!

And I took it a step further.

Through the BFF Youtube channel and working with clients directly, I've helped over 1,000,000 people improve their facial structure and their lives.

I've also been blessed to have worked some amazing health professionals along the way!

Note: there are dozens of others I've spoke to and learned from not included in this list for privacy reasons!

Myofunctional therapist Joe Sigfried demonstrating an exercise for the program

Dr. Roland Estrabillo and Ryan working on the first version of the BFF program in 2020

Dr. Shehab Faragallah teaching students how to balance tongue position

Here are the Problems I Specialize in Helping you Solve

Achieving EFFORTLESS Perfect Tongue Positioning

  • Effortlessly do Mewing and Nasal Breathing While Sleeping
  • Achieve a NATURAL entire tongue suction, at all times, without trying!
  • Strengthen, and stretch your tongue so it's ALWAYS sitting on your palate

Improving Tongue Mobility for Effortless Results

I'll teach you safe and effective stretching techniques to reduce your tongue's restriction, making it effortless to have ideal tongue positioning!

This is 2 different program members. Why do some people have more restricted tongue ties than others?

Fixing UNEVEN Mewing and Asymmetrical Face

Uneven Mewing can lead to an asymmetrical face. I'll help you EVEN out your tongue, and bring more symmetry to your jaw, face, and posture!

SPEEDING UP Your Progress achieving 3D Facial Growth

The reality is... you don't want to wait 10 years for results. And neither do I. I'll help you get results fast, here's how:

  • Focus ONLY on the MOST important exercises FOR YOU, the things holding you back the most
  • Using gentle and safe osteopathic face pulling to achieve FASTER palatal expansion

Getting your Entire Tongue to FIT on (especially the back third)

Many people struggle to get certain sections of their tongue up. Our strengthening exercises help strengthen those "inactive" areas of the tongue!

Expanding the ARCH to Make more ROOM for Your Tongue

Expanding your arch using gentle osteopathic face pulling techniques will make it even easier to keep your tongue on your palate!

Here's What People Have Said:

If I could go back to my 16 Year Old Self... I could save him 10 years, and $30,000

The reality is - this is the program my 16 year old self-needed. Someone asked me recently... if you could go back to then, would you do the program?

The answer is... ABSOLUTELY. This program would have changed my life! 

Best of all - I could have saved 10 years of effort, stress, and anxiety, and 10's of THOUSANDS of dollars on dental treatments.

If I could go back to that 16 year old kid, I think I could help him achieve amazing results - in weeks! I want to help others do the same.

Why I believe in the "Natural" Approach

In my opinion, our bodies WANT to be in their natural anatomical position.

Your jaw WANTS to expand. Your mandible WANTS to come forward. Our bodies are always changing. Our bones are constantly remodelling.

I believe that the natural approach of making small incramental positive changes over time through exercises, it the best way.

To make my point, let's look at your other options:

How Long Will it Take to See Changes?

Most program members feel and notice improvements almost immediately after starting the program.

You will likely notice your tongue is further up and forward on your palate, and it's easier to breathe through your nose!

Within the first few weeks, some clients begin to feel the jaw and palate coming forward.

After the first 1-2 months of daily exercises, we aim to achieve measurable/observable results of expansion of your maxilla!

By the end of these 3-4 months, you will ideally observe & feel measureable changes.

 Ready To Get The Help You Need?

My last question for you is this: are you ready to get the help that you need?

If this is a problem that is really bothering you, then this is an opportunity for you to take this seriously, and finally get the results you want.

I believe amazing facial changes are possible, do you?

I am looking for people who are excited and eager to see improvements. People willing to do what it takes change their faces and lives in amazing ways. People who are commmitted to the process of positive change.

If that sounds like you, book a call and let's get started!

Have More questions?

Submit your application to be selected for a free 1-on-1 call with Ryan, where he will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the program!

If you aren't ready or don't want to book a call, simply send an e-mail to and someone will get back to you!

What Happens Next?

If you wish to apply for the program, you'll submit a quick questionnaire to see if you're a good fit.

From there, you'll book a 1-on-1 call with me, where we'll discuss the possibilities, and whether you're a good fit for the program!

After that, we'll complete your full assessment, and start your program!
