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$500 discount and limited spots: Sign up before February 1st to get $500 off for being one of the first 30 members of the BFF Facial Growth Program!


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Reserve Your Spot to in this Supervised Program from Best Face Forward

Do you struggle with a recessed maxilla or mandible?

If so then you may make a good candidate for the BFF supervised facial growth program.

We're looking for 30 individuals who are looking to achieve amazing facial changes


  • Have a recessed and/or asymmetrical maxilla and mandible, and are looking to achieve forward growth


  • Are looking to fix it by correcting the underlying imbalance in your tongue, maxilla, and body...


  • You do NOT have any jaw pain, TMJ problems or health concerns...
  • And are NOT undergoing orthodontic treatment

Then you may be a good candidate for this supervised program!

Do you struggle with a recessed maxilla or mandible?

If so then you may make a good candidate for the BFF supervised facial growth program.

We're looking for 30 individuals who are looking to achieve amazing facial changes.

So if you:

- Have a recessed and/or asymmetrical maxilla and mandible, and are looking to achieve forward growth


- You want to do this 100% naturally, using exercises to improve the root cause of your current facial structure


- You're willing to commit 15-30 minutes per day for 90 days to getting the best facial growth of your life

Then you may be a good fit for the program.

We're looking for people who are dedicated to making changes. If that sounds like you, you can apply at the link below. 

Reserve Your Spot to in the Supervised Facial Growth Program from Best Face Forward

Do you cringe when you take a selfie?

  • Do you notice your jaw is under-developed from the side?
  • Do you have asymmetry in your maxilla and mandible?
  • Do you want facial growth, and to achieve your potential in terms of health, confidence, and jaw shape and physical appearance?

If so, you're one of the thousands in our generation who  feel "robbed" of their potential.

But if you're on this page, that means your looking or answers.

To start with, you probably have researched and watched content online... And if you have, you've likely seen one of 2 things (or both):

1. Obsessive and slightly toxic looksmaxxing advice that involves spending 24 hours a day Mewing, or thumb pulling, which seems excessive, and potentially even dangerous

2. People telling you it's impossible to achieve change as an adult - and the only option is surgery.

This may leave you feeling confused, or worse...


You might think maybe they're right, maybe you can't change as an adult, and that your jaw is fixed how it is.

Well I have news for you...


The truth is - your jaws are always changing. In fact, Dr. Saifi who I interviewed in Paris said the facial bones are the thinnest and fastest bones to change in the body. And Dr. Mona Moy, who I've worked with for this program and the BFF Channel, agrees, that our sutures never fully fuse, and we can change at ANY age. 

From Ryan's BFF interview with Dr. Mona Moy in Seoul, South Korea

Not only can you change your jaw - you can completely restore it to it's original genetic potential.

Inside you, you have a potential - that may be dormant right now.

Your body knows it's correct alignment, and your jaw knows it's ideal size and position.

This is called your "true place". And it's my belief that you can achieve this at any age. 

And I can say that - because I did it. It took me 10 years to discover the secrets to making fast changes to your maxilla and mandible, 100% naturally.

I spent 10 years and $30,000 on my jaw so that you don't have to

When I was 16, I was looking in the mirror one day and realized something was "off". 

My jaw had grown long and pointy from mouth-breathing. I had no idea what went wrong, and I was super insecure about it.

I've spent the last 10 years looking for solutions. I've spent over $30,000 on "expanders" that only made things worse. I've tried Mewing, and myofunctional therapy exercises, thumb pulling, and much much more.

Eventually, everything clicked for me - and I found the exercise routine that got me more results in just 3 weeks, than in the entire 10 year period. 

I know that may sound crazy, but it's true. I learned that once you find the right exercises for you, it doesn't take much to achieve amazing changes.

Let me tell you what I've learned.

From Ryan's BFF interview with Dr. Mona Moy in Seoul, South Korea

Forward Growth is about your maxilla

When the tongue isn't supporting the maxilla properly, your maxilla may becomes "recessed", too far back, relative to where it should be. 

It can also rotate counter-clockwise which creates a downward growth pattern.

This leads to the mandible being sloped backwards, and at a steeper angle as well.

The mandible can only advance forwards and upwards as the maxilla will allow it. In a sense it's "caged in" by your maxilla, and occlusion. 

This can cause the chin to appear too far back, relative to your midface.

This creates the "ugly" appearance of the jaw

As your maxilla and mandible become recessed, this affects your facial appearance in many ways.

  • Your jaw will likely appear longer, and sloped backwards
  • Your cheekbones may look flat, and your eyes sunken in
  • It can make your nose look larger, and cause a gummy smile

In short, a lack of forward growth rob you of the natural beauty and vitality your face was born to have. 

But a recessed maxilla doesn't just affect your face...

What You Need is Forward Growth

The solution to recessed and asymmetrical jaws, is forward growth. 

Forward growth means your maxilla develops forwards, and possibly expands slightly in 3-dimensions. As this occurs, your mandible is "freed up" to advance forwards and upwards as well.

Developing the maxilla in this way is how you can achieve your true genetic potential.

The Secret to Forward Growth

I don't care what "hacks" or exercises you try and do, or even what surgeries or appliances you use. At the end of the day, the most important thing affecting your facial growth is your tongue.

  • Your tongue is your natural palatal expander, and retainer, working 24-7, whether you know it or not.
  • Your tongue is the reason your jaws grew to the shape and position they are right now.

And your tongue is what can allow you to achieve amazing changes, 100% naturally, without force or effort, or dangerous and expensive appliances and surgeries.

The key is to improve the position and function of this expander, so you can get it working properly for you over time, and not against you.

Photo of program members expansion achieved from improved tongue position and function

Unfortunately, many people don't know this.

And that's why "mainstream" solutions focus only on symptoms, and ignore the root cause.

Forget about appliances and surgeries

When I was 16, I had a palatal expander. I thought it was doing me good. And it did make my palate "wider".

But for some reason my face didn't quite look right, and I still had the downward sloping jaw.

Years later I learned that it's important to achieve forward growth, and not just lateral expansion.  Years later, I learned this made my forward growth WORSE, and not better.

But the truth is, this is really hard to do externally. Using appliances is a very expensive, difficult, and roundabout way of trying to achieve something the body can do on it's own.

Trying to "expand your jaw" is focusing on the external symptom, and not the root cause. 

Mewing can turn into a Full Time Job.

Over the past 5 years, running the BFF Youtube channel, I've heard from hundreds of people struggling with a recessed maxilla and mandible.

I hear the same things over and over again...

  • How do I know if I'm doing Mewing properly?
  • I've been Mewing for 3 months, but I haven't seen any changes, what's wrong?
  • I can't keep my tongue up unless I think about it all day long...

Some people even said Mewing was making their jaw worse and more asymmetrical.

And to make matters worse, Mewing can be very stressful and causes people a lot of anxiety.

There's a much easier way.

Instead of forcing, and trying hard, you actually do the exact opposite.

You relax, and actually improve your bodies underlying structure.

Wait, really Ryan? You're telling me I don't need to try and put my tongue up at all?

That's right.

We've evolved as over millions of years with our tongues up on our palate.

So, this is not something you need to "do", it is something you need to UNDO.

You can achieve your full potential

Your recessed jaw was "caused" by natural forces. Your maxilla has been moulded and shaped over time. It's also being "maintained" by these forces.

Your body is constantly changing. Your bone included. Is it changing to more of the same? (Retaining). Or is it improving over time to be more symmetrical, balanced, and healthy over time?

Your tongue is your natural expander and retainer. Right now, it is exerting a force on your maxilla.

If you can improve your tongue posture and function, so that it is pressing behind your pre-maxilla (behind your first 6 teeth), every time you swallow, 1000 times per day, that force will begin to develop and expand your maxilla over time, 100% naturally.

Your tongue should be inside this "pre-maxilla". When it's not, the maxilla collapses, and becomes narrow

So, you're telling me if I improve my tongue position, my maxilla and mandible can develop?

That's exactly what I'm saying. At first, I was skeptical of this as well... Until I experienced the difference for myself.

Instead, focus on Resting Tongue Position

Resting tongue position is where your tongue goes when you're not trying. When you're not Mewing.

For example:

  • When you wake up in the morning, and go to sleep at night (and while you sleep)
  • When you're studying, or working out, or going for a walk
  • Whenever you're NOT trying to manipulate your tongue. Where is it then?

Well, wherever it goes when you're not trying, this is your unconscious, habitual resting tongue position.

So, instead of trying to consciously manipulate your tongue into the right position, or watch another Mewing tutorial, or download some app to try and hold it there all day long, you just improve that actual underlying tongue position.

And the best way I've found to do that, is with exercises.

How I discovered The Exercises to Naturally Achieve 3-D Facial Growth

One day when I was 16, stumbling around on Youtube desperate to find a solution to this problem, I found a video from Elliot Hulse, with simple neck stretches to improve your posture.

The first time I tried these exercises... I was blown away.

After I did the stretches... I felt it. Something felt different in my tongue and my jaw. When I looked in the mirror... I saw it!

After just 5 minutes of stretching, my tongue was more even!

Could this be?

I tried them for another 5 minutes... Then another 5 minutes.

I looked in the mirror, and that's when it "clicked" for the first time. I saw my face looking better, just from stretching my neck!!

Mmy tongue was pressing more evenly without me having to "try" and do Mewing! I was so excited about these exercises, because I knew they had the potential to change people's lives in a big way.

I shared these exercises on Youtube, and the response was amazing! They weren't just helping me, but other people were experiencing the results as well!

Fixing the Root Cause of My Recessed Jaws

I kept searching over the years for ways to balance my tongue and maxilla.

One day, I was on a zoom call with a Dentist named Dr. Shehab, in Australia, when he said the line that changed everything for me.

"Why don't you just try training the side that isn't pushing up? Sometimes you need to isolate the worse side, until it starts working properly."

So, I tried it. I used myospots to train ONLY the left side of my tongue. And the result?

Amazing! I felt something I'd never felt before. Every time I swallowed, my tongue was pressing more on the left side!

I kept experimenting with these exercises over time, and I noticed the more even my tongue became, the more symmetrical my jaw became.

I was so excited - I had a set of exercises that in only 10-15 minutes per day, could improve my tongue, jaw and posture!

I became obsessed. It wasn't a "discipline". It wasn't a "chore".

These exercises were cool. They were amazing. I loved the idea that I could do them as a daily habit, and feel improvements day by day...

Over the years I've been able to fix my asymmetry naturally, by correcting the underlying force that created it in the first place.

So now let me ask you...

What if you had an exercise program that got you improved results in terms of facial growth...

Every day?

Well, that is what the BFF Facial growth program is all about. 

The exercise routines in this program are designed to produce daily improvements to your resting tongue position, and facial growth. 

We are looking to help more people use these exercises to create amazing results in 2025!

The Forward Growth 90-Day Program

From Best Face Forward

Get instant access to the exercise program you can use to achieve DAILY upgrades to your resting tongue position, and facial growth!

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The Forward Growth Program helps You Achieve Your True Place with daily exercises for your resting tongue position and forward growth.

We are accepting 30 people to participate in this supervised program, where we will:

  • Measure your palate and starting point

  • Recommend the best exercises for you and your body

  • Track and measure your results along the way

  • Support you along the way, and make sure you're doing everything properly

If you follow this protocol, and have a case that is fitting the guidelines, you can see amazing facial changes in just 90 days. 

Register now to reserve your spot. 25 Spots remain, and the start date is on February 1st 2025.

Daily Exercises Specific to Your Body: The Key to  Natural Facial Growth

The key to this program is to achieve daily improvements to your resting tongue position.

Our exercise programs help you achieve that. More specifically, every day after your routines you should feel:

1. Your tongue is more naturally, effortlessly, resting against your upper palate behind the alveolar ridge more fully. More of it is gently resting against the upper palate, from front to back. Which means...

2. Your swallowing pattern has improved, and for the 1000+ times per day that you swallow, your tongue, lips, and cheeks are working in harmony, and you are exerting a proper force against your upper palate

This is the crux of the program. If you can achieve these changes, that force and action of your tongue against your palate 24 hours a day will create the desired effect on your facial growth over time.

Just like it has moulded and shaped your jaw up until now, and will continue to into the future.

Program Methodology

The key to daily improvements in your facial growth, is to make daily improvements to your resting tongue position and function.

And there are 3 main categories of exercises we will use every day to achieve that:

1. Full Body Alignment Routines 

Everybody who has a recessed maxilla also has some degree of forward head posture.

Your jaw and your posture are intricantly connected.

When the maxilla is recessed, the tongue has difficulty functioning properly, so the head comes forward. 

Time: 3-20 minutes/day

2. Myofunctional Release and training Routines

So your tongue easily floats up to your palate more and more over time. Some people even report this helps them breathe better, and reduces tension in their jaw!

Time: 3-20 minutes/day

3. Osteopathic Release and Palatal Expansion

which again, can help your tongue rest properly, if there's more space, it's easier. 

Time: 1-3 minutes per day

How The Program Works

This is not simply an online course, or follow-along program. We will be working 1-on-1 with each member to ensure their success and improvements, and safety.

Here is how the program will be structured to achieve these goals:

  • You'll receive a daily e-mail with your follow-along exercise routine for that day
  • Step 2: You'll complete daily assessments to help us create the best program for you, and to track your results
  • Step 3: After 90 days we re-measure your results. The best cases have an opportunity to be featured on the BFF channel as case studies

Step 1: Pre-Program Assessment

First, we do your assessment. We want to get an accurate "picture" of your alignment and facial growth.

  • We provide tools to measure your palate
  • We will analyze your postural alignment of the full body
  • We will assess the symmetry of your tongue
  • We will assess mirrored photos of your face

Step 2: Start Your 90 Day Program

After your assessment is complete, you'll start your daily exercise program. We will recommend the most important exercises for you to focus on, that are a mixture of the "core 3" facial growth  routines

All-in-one community and course platform

All you have to do is press play, and follow along. Each day is different, so you can experiment and find the best routine for you. 90 unique videos, with over 200 different exercises to unlock your potential for forward facial growth!

90-Day Structured Program

All you have to do is press play, and follow along. Each day is different, so you can experiment and find the best routine for you. 90 unique videos, with over 200 different exercises to unlock your potential for forward facial growth!

90 Daily Follow-Along Routines

Does this all seem a bit overwhelming? Well we make it easy for you to see results with our daily 15 minute exercise routines. 

All you have to do is press play, and follow along. Each day is different, so you can experiment and find the best routine for you. 90 unique videos, with over 200 different exercises to unlock your potential for forward facial growth!

200+ Facial Growth Exercises

PLUS 200+ Of the BEST Exercises for Facial Growth, Tongue Position, and Full Body Alignment inside our online platform

Available anywhere, anytime on any device!

In the classroom area you'll access your 90-day program, where you'll have daily exercise videos that are follow along style. So you just press play every day, and follow along with me.

Step 3: Support and Progress Check-Ins

Next, it is essential that we customize the program to you, and track your results to ensure you're seeing daily improvements to your resting tongue position.

Daily Assessments to find the best exercises for you 

After you complete your daily routine, you'll receive an assessment to determine your TIGHTNESS AND WEAKNESS MUSCLES AND help create the perfect PROGRAM for you.

Work 1-on-1 With Ryan to ensure you're making improvements

Ryan will work with you VIA private whatsapp Chat for the entire length of the 90-day program.

In the First 45 days:

- We'll Review your assessment, and determine the most important exercises for you

- As you do the routines, he'll help tweak the program as necessary until you find the perfect 15 minute daily routines

Weekly Progress Checks and Accountability

Every week there will be a progress check-in to ensure you're seeing improvements, and that your tongue is further up on your palate, and you feel your jaw coming forward, and your posture improving. 

During the Final 45 days:

- For the latter half of the program we'll check on a weekly basis how you're doing, answer any questions you have, and support you along the way. 

Step 4: Re-measure results after 90 days

After the 90 days we will do another before and after and check your progress, the goal is obviously that you will have made significant progress, that your tongue is more even, your posture, and that reflects into your face and jaw looking more even as well.

Now of course, the goal is that you notice a significant change after 90 days that we can see in the photos of your face and posture, and measure in your palate.

But, of course you may want to keep going after. So, that's why we give you... 

Lifetime access to all modules, and program, and materials!

15 months access to the program, community, and coaching with Ryan. That way, you can keep going and we can see the effects continue to play out over the course of a full year as you continue to improve.

How was the Program Created?

Over the past 10 years, Ryan has been on a mission to find the best exercises to naturally improve his jaw, and help thousands of others on the BFF Youtube channel and audience.

He's worked with some amazing professionals on this journey, and experimented with exercises from Physiotherapy, myofunctional therapy, dentists, and much more.

This program is a culmination of the most effective exercises to naturally balance the underlying forces behind asymmetry.

Note: This is not a medical program, it is an at home exercise program. You'll also receive guidance and support along the way.

When You Join The Forward Growth Program You'll Get Immediate Access to: 

  • Pre-program assessment + measurements
  • 90 Day Structured Program
  • Daily 15 minute Follow Along routines
  • 200+ Exercise Demonstrations Videos
  • 9 Educational Modules
  • Personalized program
  • Daily Feedback and Results Check-ins
  • Daily Zoom Calls (for 30 days)
  • Unlimited Messaging with Ryan (video, audio, or text)
  • Group Chat for Accountability and Challenges
  • Measure and track results after 90 days
  • Lifetime access to all course materials!
  • Access on any device or tablet

Be one of the first 30 people to join, and receive 50% discount

The normal cost to work with Ryan is $1,000.

But because this is a new phase of the program, we are charging only $499. This is for the first 30 participants, and prices will increase after this.

We are looking for people to do case studies, and be involved in providing feedback regarding their results.


You missed out!

Join The BFF Forward Growth Program Today!

Embark on Your Journey to Your Full Potential




BFF Forward Growth Program

Get Immediate Access to the Online Programs

60 Day coaching and community access

  • Pre-program assessment
  • 90 Day Structured Program
  • Daily Follow Along routines
  • 200+ Exercises for tongue, posture, jaw
  • 9 Educational Modules
  • Video, text, and audio Messaging with Ryan 
  • Results tracking
  • Private Community

You'll get redirected to our members platform after checkout

100% Safe Purchase

Your Data is Protected

Please note: there are no refunds and all payments are final.

This is important because it stops people from joining who do not take the program seriously. Please ensure you take your time and read the information on this page carefully before joining. We are accepting those who will commit to the process of making positive changes, with our help and support.

If You don't see results, we'll keep working with you until you do.

With that being said, we are providing you with a guarantee that you will see results on the program as follows:

if you do 90 days of exercises, and work with Ryan to ensure you're seeing results and doing everything in the best way for you, and you DON'T see positive changes, Ryan will provide you with a free consultation with himself and Dr. Mona Moy, to review your specific case and provide guidance as to what you need to do to improve. This is only available to those who seriously attempt the program, and do the work.

Here's What People Have Said:

Join The BFF Forward Growth Program Today!

Embark on Your Journey to Your Full Potential




BFF Forward Growth Program

Get Immediate Access to the Online Programs

60 Day coaching and community access

  • Pre-program assessment
  • 90 Day Structured Program
  • Daily Follow Along routines
  • 200+ Exercises for tongue, posture, jaw
  • 9 Educational Modules
  • Video, text, and audio Messaging with Ryan 
  • Results tracking
  • Private Community

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100% Safe Purchase

Your Data is Protected
