Put Your Best Face Forward into the World.
BFF is all about how to become a more attractive, healthier confident version of you. We do this through techniques to improve your tongue & body posture.
Achieve Your Highest Potential
Best Face Forward is all about making the most of what you have. To us, the best and only path is the path of self-improvement. Our goal is is to help you become a better version of yourself tomorrow than today. Here's how:
Be More Attractive
By improving your tongue posture - you can improve the appearance of your jaw, cheeks, lips, smile, and much more!
Have Great Posture
You can improve your posture a little bit every day. Stand taller, feel more confident, and make a great impression on the world!
Set yourself up for the FUTURE
What you do for your tongue and body posture TODAY, will make for a more attractive and healthier you TOMORROW.
Achieve a new confidence in YOU!
Why do we want to look better? To FEEL BETTER. Our goal is to make you feel amazing and to have an unshakeable confidence in YOU.
Discover a More Attractive, Healthier You
Believe it or not, your tongue affects your health, appearance, and confidence. When the tongue is in it's proper position (suctioned to your upper palate) it will lead to an improved appearance of your jaw and facial features, as well as major health benefits!

Image from the book "Jaws" By Paul Ehrlich
What is Proper Tongue Posture?
Where should my tongue go?
Depending on your situation, it may be easy or difficult for you to achieve proper tongue posture. Regardless, it's important to understand what that is. Here are the 4 simple steps to maintaining correct oral posture:

Where should my tongue go?
Depending on your situation, it may be easy or difficult for you to achieve proper tongue posture. Regardless, it's important to understand what that is. Here are the 4 simple steps to maintaining correct oral posture:

Take The Holistic Approach to Improvement
Our bodies function as a dynamic unit, so our approach to improving should be the same. Rather than trying to only improve our tongue posture, or stretch your tight muscles, or strengthen your core: do them all at the same time.
The best program is one that covers all of these areas. Focus on posture, tongue posture, and core strength - you'll be amazed at the results!
1. Train The Tongue DAILY!
A daily focus on the training of the tongue & orofacial muscles is crucial to improvement. Some methods include mewing, myofunctional therapy, and other exercises we utilize in our programs.

2. Improve Your Body Posture
The ENTIRE body is connected - from head to toe. Improving the head & neck posture will reinforce the improvement of your tongue & airway. Ideally, the entire body is in proper alignment for best results.
3. Small Daily Habits - Big Results
Instead of trying to transform over night, we focus on small, sticky habits. Daily action and patience are what yield BIG results in the long term.

About Best Face Forward... How it Started
Ryan started Best Face Forward in 2018, after a lifetime of mouth breathing caused him to have a long, narrow face, worsening health, and low self-esteem.
He became dedicated to finding solutions, exercises, and products to help him improve his own tongue posture, and eventually help others do the same.
Ryan's worked with various dentists, myofunctional therapists, and physiotherapists to create programs & videos to help as many people as possible achieve amazing results.

Some Resources to Get Started
Join Our Free Introductory Tongue Posture Course
Learn the importance of your tongue's posture, mobility and function. We also give you some simple exercises to get results fast!
Improve Your Body Posture
See our content, exercises, and programs to help you improve your body posture every day!
New to Mewing/Tongue Posture? Start Here!
Get an introduction to proper tongue posture - and how you can work towards practicing it daily!
The Ultimate Formula For Amazing Mewing Results
There are many ways you can strengthen your tongue posture - Mewing is just one of them!
Join The BFF Insiders Community!
Sign up for the Best Face Forward mailing list for weekly updates on new content, programs, and community events. 1 e-mail per week, no spam, no fluff, all value - for a better version of you!