The Most Effective Approach to Posture Improvement

Improving your posture is one of the most important aspects to improving your tongue posture. They go hand in hand.

So, in this post I'm going to share some of the best exercise videos on the Best Face Forward Youtube channel.

Pick the routine that seems the most important to you, and commit to trying the exercises for 2-3 weeks!

Let me know how it goes in the comment section.

Improving Your Posture

One of the best ways to improve your tongue posture is by simultaneously improving your body posture!

This video explains why. It also gives you some basic exercises to get started. 

Stretching Your Neck

Neck stretches can be very effective for helping your tongue posture improve.

Tight neck muscle are a major cause of forward head posture. Give these exercises a try, and see if your posture improves!

Addressing Asymmetry

Many times we have asymmetry in our hips, neck, shoulders, and even tongue. These exercises in this video will help you to begin to correct some of those asymmetries. 

Access Our FREE Mewing Introductory Course

Everything you need to know to improve your tongue and body posture is here! 6 simple videos sent to your email over the next 6-days - so you never miss a video!

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